Saturday, June 14, 2008

Longtime AAF-Fort Worth Member Chosen as Officer for Central Region

Susan Cook Adkins was elected Secretary-Treasurer of the AAF’s Central Region during the national AAF Conference in Atlanta June 8-10.

Each region collectively elects regional officers to work in the interests of clubs within their region. Traditionally, the Secretary-Treasurer position moves up to Vice Chair the following year, and to Chair the third year. The Regional Chair serves on the AAF board of directors and executive committee to represent the concerns of all the clubs and federations in his or her region.

As a result of her appointment to Secretary-Treasurer, Adkins is set to serve as Central Region Chair in 2010-2011.

About AAF Districts and Regions
Each AAF club belongs to a district within AAF. Each district falls within one of three geographic regions: Western, Central or Eastern. AAF-Fort Worth is part of District 10, which is one of the largest districts in the nation. District 10, along with Districts 5, 6, 8 and 9 make up the Central Region.

The Central Region Includes:
District 5: Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky
District 6: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan
District 8: North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin
District 9: Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa, Missouri
District 10: Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Northwest Louisiana


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Susan. Our local club and our district are so lucky to have you looking out for our best interests.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Susan!
You make us proud!