Posted by Tom Martin on 03.03.09 @ 05:01 PM
As I work through the data analysis of my Mardi Gras Twitter experiment, I thought I'd have some fun with this week's post and share my top 10 iPhone apps that every Adman (and Adwoman) should have to be more successful in today's high-intensity, gotta-have-it-yesterday ad world.
A special thanks to Mike Rainey, our Chief Creative Officer, for helping me to compile this list.
10. iBeer. For those days when no one remembers to make the Free Beer Friday beer run. Yes, sadly it does happen.
9. Shazam. For when you find the perfect background music for the campaign that is due tomorrow while sitting at the wine bar eating breakfast.
8. Twittelator Pro. If you're on Twitter, you know why. This one lets you basically do it all from your iPhone. In fact, it powered my entire Mardi Gras Twitter experiment. Troubles here and there, but overall, good stuff.
7. Facebook. Because it is much easier to hide an iPhone screen when your boss comes in your office.
6. Files. A great app that lets you create a file tree on your iPhone. I use it to carry all my important files with me so that no matter where I am, I can reference any client files. Supports all major formats and syncs via WiFi. Very cool little app that I'd highly recommend.
5. WhereTraveler. A great app for any traveler. Find out security wait times at all airports, search for info on your destination like restaurants, shopping and entertainment. And for when things go wrong, phone numbers for every airline and rental car agency. Just tap a screen to call.
4. Google Reader. I follow over 100 blogs so being able to read them as I ride the elevator or when I'm in that really boring meeting you're running is invaluable.
3. OmniFocus. For all you David Allen GTD folks, this is a great stand-alone iPhone app (which is how I use it) or you can use it with the desktop client too. But beware, I've heard the sync is a little hit and miss when you use the desktop app in conjunction with the iPhone app. The "nearby" feature is the absolute bomb when you find yourself with a few spare minutes.
2. XpenseTrkr. Like this one needs an explanation. It even lets you take a picture of the receipt, something I'm thinking our accounting folks will relish me using more in the future.
1. And the number one most important iPhone app for today's crazed Adman/Adwoman is ... drum roll please ... Lightsaber Unleashed. Because sometimes there is just no better way to settle a difference of opinion with cranky art directors.
And there you have it folks. Got a few great iPhone apps that you think I should add to my iPhone? Let all of us know via the comments tool below.
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Tom Martin is President of Zehnder Communications, with offices in New Orleans and Baton Rouge. He can be reached at mailto:tom.martin@z-comm.com Or follow him at @TomMartin.
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