Thursday, September 25, 2008

AAF-Fort Worth to Conduct Interactive Marketing Workshop

The American Advertising Federation-Fort Worth is conducting an Interactive Marketing Workshop. The day-long event is planned for Friday, October 17, 2008 from 9:00AM to 4:00PM at the International Plaza Building in Fort Worth.

Taught by area interactive marketing professionals, the workshop is a comprehensive seminar that will cover the basic components of interactive marketing, including social marketing, paid search, online marketing and emerging technologies and tactics. The workshop is geared towards marketing and sales professionals with segments appealing to information technology and support personnel. The workshop is open to the general public. Anyone interested in learning how to apply interactive marketing techniques to current marketing plans is encouraged to attend.

Participants in the workshop include The Balcom Agency, Branch Smith Printing, Concussion Advertising, Honeybee Graphics, Range Online Media, Rassai Interactive, and Warren Douglas Creative Branding and Marketing.

The workshop will be divided into morning and afternoon sessions with a roundtable discussion planned over lunch.

Tickets for the event are $90 for members and $140 for non-members. Student price is $50. Half day tickets are available for $50 for members and $75 for non-members. Lunch is available for $10.

Event Information:
Interactive Marketing Workshop
International Plaza Building
Ground Floor Training Room
4055 International Plaza
Fort Worth, TX 76109

For a full agenda. or to register, click here.

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