Please join the AAF-Fort Worth as we honor Cody Curry with the Silver Medal Award at our March meeting. The AAF's Silver Medal Award is the highest American Advertising Federation honor given at the local level. The American Advertising Federation's Silver Medal Award Program was established in 1959 to recognize men and women who have made outstanding contributions to advertising and who have been active in furthering the industry's standards, creative excellence and responsibility in areas of social concern. Annually, AAF member clubs bestow this honor upon outstanding members of the local advertising community.
Silver Medal Award Criteria
Silver Medal recipients are selected by a panel of judges from each local club. Judges use the following criteria when making their selections:
• Contribution to His/Her Company - The recipient must have achieved success in one of the following areas of work: advertising agency, advertiser, media or advertising service
• Creative Ability - The recipient must have shown a consistent, high degree of original thinking in their field.
• Contributions to the General Advancement of Advertising - The recipient must have worked to increase the stature and raise the standards of the advertising profession.
• Contributions to the Community - The recipient should be someone who has been active in civic, religious, or other groups dedicated to human or social welfare.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008 11:45 AM - 1:00 PM
Joe T Garcia's
Fort Worth, TX 76106
Register Now!
Many in the local advertising community have benefited from working with Curry Printing. We encourage you to leave comments and words of thanks here below for Cody Curry, winner of this year's Silver Medal Award."
Cody - This is an honor well-deserved! You know I'm a HUGE fan! Congratulations!
Congratulations, Cody. We look forward to making you the man of the hour on March 19.
One of my favorite "Cody stories" happened several years ago, as we were preparing to go to the Ad Club Christmas Party. I got a frantic call from the fulfillment house I used in Dallas. They were filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy ... and I better get there NOW to get my client's materials out of the warehouse before they changed the locks.
It was late in the afternoon and I was frantic. I called Cody to see if I could "borrow" his driver and van to retrieve materials. Not only did he send his driver, but when they realized how much material our client had, he called for a larger truck. Cody retrieved all our pieces (including those printed by another company) and worked out a warehousing and fulfillment agreement that lasted as long as the client did.
Cody always provides a good product for our clients. And he has proven himself, over and over, to be a kind and caring friend. We are so fortunate to have his servant leadership available in our community.
"Be strong and don't give up for your work will be
rewarded." ( II Chronicles 15:17)
Congratulations, Cody.
Lynne Swihart
You and your company are outstanding! You deserve this and we'll be there to applaud you!
Cody. You, sir, rock with the best of them. Congratulations on the recognition as the hardest-working and nicest guy in the ad business.
Jake Yarbrough
Cody, the award committee couldn't have picked a more deserving person to receive the Silver Medal Award. This honor is well deserved. Congratulations!
Scott Turner
Congrats on your well deserved award and recognition. Very glad to be associated with you.
-Don Clampitt
Congrats on your well deserved award and recognition- Very glad to be associated with you!
-Don Clampitt
Cody is a great man and Curry Printing is one of the best printers we have every worked with. Enough about printing, have you ever seen him sink a 12 foot birdie putt? I have. Lots of times.
-Bill Brammer
Soft spoken, thoughtful, energetic and selfless, not to mention a great printer who cares about quality.
It's been many years, tears and hair styles; Cody is so deserving of this honor.
Congratulations Cody!
Marie St. Hilaire
I couldn't have asked for a better father, role-model, caregiver, mentor, or friend. You are the personfication of hard-work, loyalty, and patience. Love you, pops.
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